Collection: Chris Down
Chris Down is a self-taught artist/illustrator, who has has had over a thousand images published in more than fifty books. He is Inspired by the works of the Pre-Raphaelites, 19th century symbolists, art nouveau, late 20th century fantasy artists, 9th/10th century illuminated manuscripts and dark age craftsman. Chris originally concentrated on both Celtic art and pen and ink work for books; in 2005, he took up digital figurative painting. In 2017, the publication of the Celtic Tarot saw what Chris considers to be the culmination of 20 years worth of work and development as an artist.

Cards by Chris Down
Wholesale fantasy and pagan greeting cards by Chris Down.
Gifts by Chris Down
Wholesale fantasy and pagan gifts featuring art by Chris Down.
Celtic Art by Chris Down
Wholesale Celtic art by Chris Down.
Art Prints by Chris Down
Wholesale fantasy and pagan art prints by Chris Down.
Posters by Chris Down
Wholesale fantasy and pagan posters by Chris Down.
Art Prints from The Celtic Tarot
These prints are taken from Chris Down’s illustrations for The Celtic Tarot.
Cards from The Celtic Tarot
These cards are taken from Chris Down’s illustrations for The Celtic Tarot....